Xenon Free 3,0 crashing with live TV

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Xenon Free 3,0 crashing with live TV

Post by jayv2251 »

I do like the new Xenon with Kodi 12 Omega! Super fast! But I've been having an issue since I first installed it. After removing ALL the old files including the roaming file, I installed the new Kodi 21 Omega before downloading and installing the Diggz repository. Ran the Chef Wizard to install Xenon Free 3.0 Other than installing Scrubs V2, I have not changed or installed ANYTHING else.

My system... I'm running Kodi on an old Dell 9020 Optiplex "server", 8GB DDR3, 120 GB SSD, 3 TB HD, and Intel HD 4600. This is connected to two Dell 27" monitors. Before health reasons got to me, I used to work from home doing Customer service work. Now I can watch TV while I'm surfing the net, or playing a game, etc at the same time. Sounds like a lot for an older PC to do at once, and at times it is.

This is the problem... More often than not I'll have Facebook open on one screen and while watching TV via Kodi on the other. To watch TV on Kodi is what I do. I scroll over to TV Guide in the middle bar, then tap whatever channels I want on the top icons. After selecting a channel, it loads and I begin watching, or at least try to. After loading the channels lock up, and the sound stops. I have to hit the stop button and reload the channel to get it working again. Just as frequently, the channel locks up and crashes Xenon and I have to relaunch all over again.

After posting about this on the Facebook page, and then having a conversation with Carnifex Gratis, and him having me look at my resources inside Kodi's system, even with JUST Chrome with one tab open to Facebook I was using 85-90% of my systems memory!! Digging around in my system using Task Manager, Chrome had 17 processes running! After a bit more digging I found out that this is a known issue I followed some online instructions on how to limit Chrome from taking up so many resources with that many processes. I also noted that Microsoft Edge was running multiple processes and I'll NEVER use it. So found a way to turn that off as well. Besides that, I have not done anything else to my system or changed anything in Xenon.

Ultimately the best solution would be to replace this 10-year-old box. But I don't have the funds for that. I can afford some more memory, as I found a 2x16 DDR3 set for less than $40 that would be compatible. Before I do that though, I'd like to make sure my system is running more efficiently. with just the tab to his page and while attempting to watch TV while typing this and I'm at 87% memory use. 'Sumptin' ain't right!'

Besides analyzing what processes are using what resources, is there a more user-friendly way I can select what gets loaded at boot? For example, don't need Steam, or Razer to be running right now. It's not that important. If I was playing a game on Steam they would, but then watching TV wouldn't be...

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Re: Xenon Free 3,0 crashing with live TV

Post by cg0 »

Facing similar financial issues, few years back, instead of buying a new desktop to replace my ancient slow laptop, I got a refurbished desktop for 320 euros. It proved to be more than enough -I only run Linux for decades.
With a CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670, 4 cores * @ 3.8z, and 8GB of RAM, Kodi flies -and so do new Linux and most emulated win games.
I'm gonna put some 200 euro graphics card on top of that to make it play all the latest heavy games.
If you use just windows, expect it to be a little slower -and a lot uglier.

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Re: Xenon Free 3,0 crashing with live TV

Post by The Chef »

I wouldnt be able to figure it out without looking at your Kodi logs and windows event manager to see what errors it shows, but if its just live tv, then since your on a PC, simply go to this website to watch your live tv channels instead https://thetvapp.to/

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