Nothing is working properly

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Nothing is working properly

Post by Jemal101 »

I reinstalled the built twice thinking maybe it was a minor error but I was wrong, everything runs slow nothing works properly my history don't automatically gets uploaded to trakt unless I manually click " watched trakt" and then it takes close to 5 minutes just to show the green tik. When I click a movie or a TV show to watch it takes like 4 to 5 minutes just to load the torrents, then another 5 to 4 minutes to open... What is going on with this built why is it running like this? Nothing is wrong with my internet everything works fine... but the built is just tripping after reinstalling, can someone tell me what's going on? This has been happening for more than a week now.

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The Chef
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Re: Nothing is working properly

Post by The Chef »

Jemal101 wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 12:30 am I reinstalled the built twice thinking maybe it was a minor error but I was wrong, everything runs slow nothing works properly my history don't automatically gets uploaded to trakt unless I manually click " watched trakt" and then it takes close to 5 minutes just to show the green tik. When I click a movie or a TV show to watch it takes like 4 to 5 minutes just to load the torrents, then another 5 to 4 minutes to open... What is going on with this built why is it running like this? Nothing is wrong with my internet everything works fine... but the built is just tripping after reinstalling, can someone tell me what's going on? This has been happening for more than a week now.
Well obviously its not the build, or everybody would be having the same issue. I dont have the issue either. Restart your router, turn off your VPN, or clear Kodi data and reinstall, maybe your using some type of external storage thats causing it? Try connecting your box to your phones wifi hotspot and see if its the same. Dont know what else to tell you, your gonna have to figure it out.

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Re: Nothing is working properly

Post by ERMEz55 »

Download & install latest Kodi 21.2(?)....

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Re: Nothing is working properly

Post by Paqman »

A few things to consider with this outstanding build are that it's doing a lot during the initial loading, clearing packages, updating add-ons updating EPGs and channel lists. I've used the fastest hardware and slow hardware. What I have noticed is that Elementum daemon takes a bit to get going and if there are updates to POW or Umbrella, these will freeze the interface until they run through their update and reload processes. I hope these observations can help others be patient while things initially load. By the way this patients is almost daily every time you run Kodi because various add-ons get updates and the builds of the chef's have the most comprehensive function and included WORKING add-ons available.

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